Mindfulness-Based Yoga Therapy Training in Eating Disorders for Professionals - Introductory Course

Sponsored by: Beverly Price

CEUS: 40.00
Mindfulness therapies, such as Yoga, has gained momentum in the therapeutic community. Yoga is widely used in eating disorders and disordered eating in a variety of settings. Integrated treatment of eating disorders and disordered eating can be highly effective, using Yoga as an adjunct with traditional treatment modalities. Eating disorder comprehensive introductory curriculum, evidenced-based Yoga, Yoga therapy tools and integrative techniques will be presented.


Beverly Price, RD, MA, E-RYT 200, C-IAYT, CEDRD-S is a certified eating disorder specialist, International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals Foundation (IAEDP) Approved Supervisor and International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT) Certified Yoga Therapist recognized for her mindfulness Yoga-based eating disorder recovery programs, along with Yoga training programs in eating disorders for professionals. Beverly has created, cultivated and sold various healthcare businesses. In her career, she has also consulted with healthcare entities who wish to maximize their bottom line.


Course Description

Mindfulness therapies, such as Yoga, has gained momentum in the therapeutic community. Yoga is widely used in eating disorders and disordered eating in a variety of settings. Integrated treatment of eating disorders and disordered eating can be highly effective, using Yoga as an adjunct with traditional treatment modalities. Eating disorder comprehensive introductory curriculum, evidenced-based Yoga, Yoga therapy tools and integrative techniques will be presented.


Target Audience

Psychologists, Social Workers, Professional Counselors, Substance Abuse Counselors, Nurses, Registered Dietitians.


Learning Objectives

Upon completion of the entire program, participant will be able to explain, describe and discuss:
1.    List first Chakra Components 
2.    Explain diagnosis, Etiology and Co-Occurring Disorders of Eating Disorders
3.    Discuss the therapeutic modality of Yoga Therapy for Eating Disorders
4.    Evaluate Root Foods and how Family Rules Around Food influences eating disorder behaviors
5.    Identify a client appropriate for Yoga therapy
6.    List Second Chakra Components
7.    Explain medical, Behavioral and Nutrition Assessments in eating disorders
8.    Discuss the role of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in eating disorder treatment
9.    Define the components of the Yoga Therapy Assessment
10.    List Third Chakra Components
11.    Explain Medical Complications of Eating Disorders
12.    Discuss the role of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy in eating disorder treatment
13.    Evaluate Digestive Center Foods and Insights to Biological Hunger and Barriers
14.    Define the components of a Yoga Therapy Treatment Plan
15.    List Fourth Chakra Components
16.    Explain Levels of Care in Eating Disorders
17.    Discuss the role of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy in eating disorder treatment
18.    Evaluate Cardiovascular Centered Foods and Body Respect and the concept of Loving Your Body 
19.    Define the components of implementing a Yoga Therapy Treatment Plan
20.    List Fifth Chakra Components
21.    Interpret one Research and Outcome Study in Eating Disorders
22.    Discuss the role of Acceptance Commitment Therapy in eating disorder treatment
23.    Evaluate Facial and Sinus Centered Foods and the concept of Talking Back to the Food Police
24.    Define the Yoga Treatment Plan and when a Change in Treatment Plan is needed
25.    List Sixth Chakra Components
26.    Review the Business of Yoga Therapy
27.    Discuss the role of Maudsley Method/Family-Based Therapy in eating disorder treatment
28.    Evaluate Brain Centered Foods and the concept of Unconditional Permission to Eat/Relationship with Food Choices
29.    List Seventh Chakra Components
30.    Discuss Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Implications of Yoga therapy


Continuing Education Credits: 40