1. Identify three ways to help establish a secure base in treatment. (H.S. Waters, T.E.A. Waters, 2021)
2. Describe two ways to regulate emotional reactivity in both couple members. (Mars, 2011)
3. Detect the healthiest aspects of each couple member. (*Frederickson, 2013)
4. Utilize two methods for couple members to process emotional experience. .(Fosha, D., & Thoma, N. 2020).
5. Design healing a portrayal to treat relational trauma. (*Iwakabe, S., Edlin, J., Fosha, D., Gretton, H., Joseph, A. J., Nunnink, S. E., Nakamura, K., & Thoma, N. C., 2020)
6. Define why affirmation of the self is important. (*Frederickson, 2013)
7. Explain how clients can melt defenses of both intellectualization. (*Iwakabe, S., Edlin, J., Fosha, D., Gretton, H., Joseph, A. J., Nunnink, S. E., Nakamura, K., & Thoma, N. C., 2020)
8. Find shared matching values in couple members. (Mars, 2011, 2015)
9. Describe how to process warded off emotional experience. (*Iwakabe, S., Edlin, J., Fosha, D., Gretton, H., Joseph, A. J., Nunnink, S. E., Nakamura, K., & Thoma, N. C., 2020)
10. Conduct meta-therapeutic processing when couples experience reparative experiences. (Fosha, D., & Thoma, N. 2020)
11.Define the value of the core affect of surprise. (*Frederickson, 2013)
12. Integrate core affect through slowing down. (*Iwakabe, S., Edlin, J., Fosha, D., Gretton, H., Joseph, A. J., Nunnink, S. E., Nakamura, K., & Thoma, N. C., 2020)
13. Locate two ways to tailor treatment to a couple member’s attachment style. (Pando-Mars, 2016)
14. Select opportunities to help couple members to feel and show more positivity. (*Frederickson, 2013)
15. Utilize openings to soften defenses. (*Iwakabe, S., Edlin, J., Fosha, D., Gretton, H., Joseph, A. J., Nunnink, S. E., Nakamura, K., & Thoma, N. C., 2020)
16. Define three early signs of dorsal vagal response. (Porges, 2009, Dana, 2018)
17. Demonstrate knowledge of two ways to regulate dorsal vagal response. (Dana, 2018)
18. Specify how the frequency of dorsal vagal response can be reduced in treatment. (Porges, 2009, Dana, 2018)
19. Distinguish methods for engaging avoidantly attached patients in treatment. (Pando-Mars, 2016)
20. Detect an example of a tough case in which an unexpected breakthrough occurred. (Mars, 2016)
21. Explain how a meditative state of mindfulness helps in treatment. (*Neff and Germer, 2012)
22. Conduct a role play of meta-therapeutic processing. (Iwakabe, S., & Conceicao, N., 2016).
23. Explain the value of increased awareness in patients. (*Iwakabe, S., Edlin, J., Fosha, D., Gretton, H., Joseph, A. J., Nunnink, S. E., Nakamura, K., & Thoma, N. C., 2020)
24. Identify transformance striving in a session. (*Iwakabe, S., Edlin, J., Fosha, D., Gretton, H., Joseph, A. J., Nunnink, S. E., Nakamura, K., & Thoma, N. C., 2020)