All times are in Pacific Time
8:00-8:10am: Orientation and opening three-minute Channels of Experience meditation.
8:10-8:20am: Check-in and discussion of each participant’s response to the meditation and any breakthroughs or questions about in treating their couples with Transformative Couples Therapy®.
8:20-9:00am: Didactic presentation and discussion of a slide deck about the TCT method and its application by David Mars, PhD or Lisa Gardner LCSW. Information will include details on how to use the TCT Fidelity Scales to guide clinical application of the method. Presentation will include how to regulate emotional reactivity in preparation for the clinical video example and how to evoke, metaprocess and stabilize the felt experience of love.
9:10-9:50am: Presentation and discussion of captioned clinical video. During and after the video sharing, the instructor will point out the examples shown that were just introduced in the didactic portion described above. Moments that highlight the use of the seven channels of experience will be emphasized to enhance participants capacity to track bodily indicators of moment-to-moment tracking to enhance whole body attunement.
9:50-10:05am: Break
10:05-10:55am: Preparation and transition into Breakout rooms for the Experiential Exercise to apply what they have learned. Participants will choose to be either role play couple members, role play therapist or witness. With the support of the Experiential Assistant, participants gain a direct experience of applying the TCT method.
10:55-11am: Regathering, closing discussion.